Module 21 - About The Mock Interview

To get a job, you not only need to have the right technical skills, but you also need to perform well in demonstrating what you know—which is itself a skill that requires practice.

You will complete several mock interviews over the next few months. These mock interviews are designed both to assess your mastery of the skills in the program and to prepare you for real interviews once you begin the job search. You'll get written feedback for each mock interview, which you can go over with your mentor to shore up any weak spots in your knowledge. You'll be prompted on your dashboard to schedule mock interviews at different points in the course.

Most mock interviews are an hour long and follow the same basic structure. You'll be asked some common interview questions about your goals and prior work experience. You'll also be asked some technical questions, which may require a verbal answer or live coding.

Before each mock interview, talk with your mentor about the best ways to prepare. You should also run through some practice questions together. Once you pass your mock interview, your goal will be approved and you'll move on to the next module. If you don't pass on your first try, you'll have the chance to study and retake the interview. If you aren't able to pass after two attempts, your academic success manager will chat with you about your progress in the program.

Preparing for the live interview

The 40-minute live interview has three parts:

Review (10-15 minutes):

The interviewer will ask you to explain some of the code you wrote in the take-home challenges. Specifically, you'll discuss two functions you wrote—one function from each workspace. You may be asked to identify inputs, outputs, and how your functions are working. You should use technical terms when appropriate.

Create (20-30 minutes):

The interviewer will ask you to create one new function that is similar to one of the functions that you created in the take-home problems. The goal is for you to demonstrate your ability to solve problems on demand.

Extend (10-15 minutes):

The interviewer will ask you to solve for edge cases for the function that you created in the Create part of the interview. This work will be similar to the final challenges at the end of the Functions module. The goal here is for you to work through the process of debugging and extension.

Submitting Your Portfolio Website

    Please submit the following to be reviewed:
  1. The repo URL
  2. The website address Links submitted via will not be accepted and will require a resubmission of the correct links listed above.

During the interview, we have four basic practices they want you to follow. These practices include:

1. Explain the code you wrote in this take-home challenge.

// Use the string methods you know to 
// 1. remove the extra whitespace at the beginning and end of the string, and
// 2. capitalize all the letters
// Make sure to assign your answer to the 'openAndPrep' variable
let openAndPrep = "   I like to use arrays!  ";

Write a function called goodbyeMyFriend that logs

"Goodbye, {the name of your friend}, I hope to see you in the bootcamp!". Example:

goodbyeMyFriend("Calvin") //-> "Goodbye, Calvin, I hope to see you in the bootcamp!"

3. How would you apply this idea to other situations? The goal here is for you to work through the process of debugging and extending your code.